Week 9, Session 1
Students: I recommend that you bring American Workers, Colonial Power to lecture as we will be examining a few passages in the book in detail.
I. Introduction:
Components and patterns in American Workers
American Workers and General Themes for the Course
A. Who decides who is “civilized”?
1. Who looks at whom?
2. Policing the boundaries
3. Looking back
B. How does the “State” organize “Family”
1. Migration demographics
a. Transpacific families
b. Gendered opportunities
2. Family relationships
a. nuclear family formations
b. “brothers”
c. “uncles”
d. extended family
3. Mutual aid organizations
a. unions
C. Who decides the social hierarchy? Who benefits from the social hierarchy? Who is excluded?
1. Relations of power which might shape social hierarchy
2. Ambivalence in social positioning
a. first example:
b. second example:
III. Analyzing the film clip
A. Important to keep in mind—
1. Composition
2. Narrative
3. Historical Context
B. Analyzing the oral history excerpts
1. Identify the different interviewees and try to characterize them
a. Speaker #1:
1. Verbal text:
2. Non-verbal cues:
3. Any other features:
b. Speaker #2:
1. Verbal text:
2. Non-verbal cues:
3. Any other features:
c. Speaker #3:
1. Verbal text:
2. Non-verbal cues:
3. Any other features:
2. What is the overall message of this segment?
3. What particular insights do we gain from this set of oral history excerpts?
4. How might the representations of Filipina/o Americans in this clip compare or contrast with other representations that we have encountered in the course?