Reading Questions

For 1 Corinthians:

(1) In the letter’s greeting (1:1-3), how does Paul identify himself and how does he characterize the Corinthians to whom he is writing?

(2) In the thanksgiving section of the letter (1:4-9), to whom and for what does Paul give thanks?

(3) At the beginning of the letter’s main body, what problem in Corinth is Paul addressing (1:10-13)?

(4) What solution does Paul propose for this problem (3:21-23)?

(5) On his way to this solution, Paul comments on his preaching (1:17-2:5). How does he describe his preaching and from what does he distinguish it?

(6) What does Paul say about "wisdom" and "foolishness" in 2:6-16 and 3:18-20?

(7) In 4:1-21, who does Paul say should be the ultimate judge and how does Paul describe himself and the other apostles?

(8) What does Paul mean in telling the Corinthians: "Let each of you remain in the condition which you were called" (7:20)?

(9) Why should Paul not boast about his preaching (9:16)?

(10) What does Paul mean when he says "I have become all things to all people" (9:22)?

(11) In using the analogy of the body, what does Paul suggest to be the proper relationship among the believers in Christ (12:12-30)?

(12) According to Paul, what is love (13:1-13)?

(13) What is the "good news" that Paul proclaimed to the Corinthians (15:1-8)?

(14) In the concluding chapter (16:1-24), what does Paul exhort the Corinthians to do and with what final greetings does he close his letter?

For 2 Corinthians:

(1) In the letter’s greeting (1:1-2), how does Paul identify himself?

(2) In the thanksgiving section of the letter, to whom and for what does Paul give thanks (1:3-5)?

(3) Early in the letter’s main body, how is the word boast used (1:12-14)? Is it used positively or negatively?

(4) Why doesn’t Paul need a "letter of recommendation" (3:1-6)?

(5) What distinction does Paul draw between "our outer nature" and "our inner nature" (4:16-18)?

(6) From what "point of view" should everything now be seen and what role does Paul claim to play in moving his audience to this new viewpoint (5:16-21)?

(7) What is Paul asking the Corinthians to do in Ch. 8?

(8) Why does Paul declare that anyone "who boasts" should only "boast in the Lord" (10:17)?

(9) In Ch. 11 how does Paul compare himself to the those "super-apostles" who preach "a different gospel" than Paul’s (11:4-5)?

(10) About what does Paul boast in 12:1-10?

(11) In the concluding chapter, what does Paul exhort the Corinthians to do (13:5-12) and with what final blessing does he close his letter (13:13)?

For Galatians:

(1) In the letter’s greeting (1:1-5), how does Paul identify himself?

(2) Leaving out his usual thanksgiving or blessing, Paul turns immediately to his main concern in writing the Galatians. What is that concern (1:6-9)?

(3) According to Paul, how is a person "justified"--through "works of the law" or "faith in Jesus Christ" (2:15-16)?

(4) Of what does Abraham serve as an example (3:5-14)?

(5) What distinctions are erased if "you belong to Christ" (3:26-29)?

(6) What is the allegory that Paul uses in 4:21-31 and what is its meaning?

(7) How does Paul sum up the whole of the law (5:14)?

(8) How does Paul use the word boast in his closing (6:11-18)?