Humanities Core Course Fall 2
Introductory comments by Julia Reinhard Lupton, course director
Course director: Julia Lupton
Writing director: Elizabeth Losh
Program manager: Suzanne Bolding
Enrollment specialist: Janice Gregory
Yes, we have spaces open!!
For ALL enrollment issues (adding, dropping, changing sections, changing grade status), you must see Janice Gregory in the Core Office, HIB 185, not your section leader or Professor Schwab or myself.
You are responsible for turning in your own work!!!
> Acknowledge all sources, including collaboration with other students and web sources.
> Never cut and paste sentences from the Internet.
> You may be asked to turn your paper into or another database.
> Save all rough drafts, as instructed by your discussion leader.
>Collusion (helping another student cheat) is also a form of academic dishonesty.
>Academic dishonesty can result in failure for the paper, failure for the course, a letter in your record, or, in cases of repeated plagiarism, suspension or expulsion.
> You can review plagiarism policies on UCI’s on-line catalogue and the HCC Reader.