Week Two

Kleist: Luther and the Peasants’ Revolt



Michael Kohlhaas and Incendiary Rhetoric


I. The Peasants’ Revolt  1525


Holy Roman Empire  800-1806     https://eee.uci.edu/programs/humcore/images/Michael%20Kohlhaas/europe_1560.jpg



----hundreds of small fiefdoms/territories

---peasants and serfs doing agricultural work

---dissent and armed revolt




March 1525    The Twelve articles





April 4, 1525   Weinsberg Massacre      impalings



II. Martin Luther (1483-1546)





1505  becomes a monk against his father’s wishes (wanted him to be a lawyer)

1507  ordained a priest


Published books, pamphlets, treatises, theses



1517:  95 Theses on the Power of Indulgences





What was Luther doing in the 95 theses?


Selling of Indulgences


Film: Luther     2003    NFP Teleart    Joseph Fiennes


Johann Tetzel   traveling preacher




St. Peter’s Basilica








1521   Diet of Worms      ------à Edict of Worms



Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. http://artfiles.art.com/images/-/Bernard-Orley/Portrait-of-Charles-V-1500-58-at-the-Age-of-About-Sixteen-1516-Giclee-Print-C11721611.jpeg



Elector of Saxony offers protection at Wartburg Castle in Eisenach,




Translates the New Testament into German


“Through faith alone shall ye be saved”



Meanwhile back on the farms, the peasants revolted, inspired, in part by Luther’s teachings



Twelfth Article of the Peasants’ demands:

Conclusion. — In the twelfth place it is our conclusion and final resolution, that if any one or more of the articles here set forth should not be in agreement with the word of God, as we think they are, such article we will willingly recede from when it is proved really to be against the word of God by a clear explanation of the Scripture. Or if articles should now be conceded to us that are hereafter discovered to be unjust, from that hour they shall be dead and null and without force. Likewise, if more complaints should be discovered which are based upon truth and the Scriptures and relate to offenses against God and our neighbour, we have determined to reserve the right to present these also, and to exercise ourselves in all Christian teaching. For this we shall pray God, since He can grant these, and He alone. The peace of Christ abide with us all.


 “Against the Murdering and Robbing Bands of Peasants”!  (May 1525)


Luther was an active public writer who regularly intervened in political quarrels of his day. 


III. Kohlhaas’s Incendiary Rhetoric

Incendiary: Arsonist—but also one who murders and burns cities and towns. Early Modern terrorist.