Leon Battista Alberti, Of Painting.
Reading Questions
NOTE: My lectures will focus on the Prologue, pp. 39-40, parts of Book II, the discussion of the istoria or subject matter of painting, pp. 70-81, and the descriptions of the life and education of the painter in Book III, especially pp. 89-90 and 96-98.
Prologue (pp. 39-40):
1. According to Alberti, why do the painters of his day deserve more praise than the great artists of antiquity?
2. Whom is Albert addressing in this book, and what are its three parts?
Book Two (pp. 63-85): Drawing, Composition, and Color
Book Three: Education of a Renaissance Painter
Discussion Questions
1. alberti and theatre
Alberti writes, “I strongly approve in an
istoria what I see observed [followed] by comic and tragic poets
[playwrights]. They tell a story with as few characters as possible.” How is
painting like theatrer? How do both painting and theater use rhetoric?
2. alberti and rhetoric
Explain and evaluate the following thesis:
“In Of Painting, Alberti translates key ideas and values from classical rhetoric into a theory of painting.”
3. alberti and
Find places in the text where Alberti seems to support an Aristotelian
ethics of moderation. Consider the following problems: movement (p. 88);
copiousness and variety (p. 76); the proper use of color (pp. 83-5); speed and diligence
(p. 97).
Test your visual
Which of the following two paintings do you think Alberti would have preferred? Why?
Adoration of the Magi
Tempera on wood, 300 x 282 cm
Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence
View larger: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Gentile_da_Fabriano_Adoration.jpg
Adoration of the Magi
Wood, diameter 84 cm
View larger at http://catholique-rouen.cef.fr/spip.php?article566
What do you think Alberti would think of this painting?
Last Judgment
Fresco, 1370 x 1220 cm
on line with details: http://www.wga.hu/frames-e.html?/html/m/michelan/3sistina/lastjudg/index.html