If you are having difficulties enrolling in a section of Humanities Core Course, you should contact the Humanities Core office. Office staff will assist you in determining your placement eligibility and in placing you into an appropriate section on a space-available basis. Honors students should consult the office of the Campuswide Honors Program.
Students seeking broader academic counseling related to enrolling in Humanities Core Course should consult an academic counselor in the school of their major.
The Registrar's Add/Drop enrollment system ends for Humanities Core Course once the Registration adjustment period ends. All add/drops beginning the first day of instruction are coordinated and authorized by staff in the Humanities Core Course Program Office (HIB 185). Students should not ask Humanities Core Course instructors for authorization codes. Add/Drops and Grade Option Changes for Humanities Core Course must be effected by the end of the second week of classes regardless of what other schools' deadlines for add/drops and grade change options are.
Students receiving deficient grades of C- or below or NP (no pass) may progress to the next quarter as long as a grade of F (or an F which converted to NP) was not received. Students who receive an F in either component of Humanities Core Course in fall or winter may not progress to the next quarter of Humanities Core Course unless special permission is granted by the Director.
Students receiving a deficient grade of C- or below (including F) or NP (no pass) in either component of Humanities Core Course may retake the quarter in a subsequent year in most cases. Students repeating only one component of Humanities Core Course should enroll in both components of Core Course and then see staff in the Humanities Core office (HIB 185) during the second week of classes to drop the component not being repeated.
Students who complete all three quarters of the Humanities Core Course lecture component with a grade of D- or better or P (pass) will have satisfied the Arts and Humanities (Category IV) of the UCI GE requirements. Human 1C lecture additionally fulfills Multicultural Studies (Category VII) and International/Global Issues (VIII).
Students who have satisfied the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement and satisfactorily complete at least two quarters of the writing component of Humanities Core Course (either the first quarter and the third quarter or the second quarter and the third quarter) with a grade of C or better or P (pass), will have met the lower division writing requirement (Ia).
Majors within Humanities do not have the option of taking Humanities Core Course for P/NP (pass/no pass). The entire sequence of Humanities Core Course satisfactorily completed for a letter grade satisfies a school requirement. Other schools may have similar requirements. Non-Humanities majors should consult an academic counselor in the school of their major before opting to take the course for P/NP.
In addition to the regular discussion sections of Humanities Core Course (HUMAN 1AS-BS-CS), the Program offers sections (designated ES) for students who have not met the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement. HUMAN 1AES, offered in fall, must be taken for a letter grade. Students who successfully pass the writing component of Human 1AES with a grade of C or better will have simultaneously met the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement and may progress to a regular section of Humanities Core Course (HUMAN 1BS) in winter quarter. Students who do not pass HUMAN 1AES with a grade of C or better will have a second opportunity to pass the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement in winter quarter by enrolling in HUMAN 1BES for a letter grade. Completion of HUMAN 1BES with a grade of C or better will satisfy the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement and will allow students to move on to HUMAN 1CS to complete the lower-division writing requirement.
Last updated Sept. 2014. Requirement information is provided here for your convenience; please refer to the UCI General Catalogue for official documentation.