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Raphael School of Athens Detail

Humanities Core Course 2005-2006


The Social Instinct and Its Consequences

Magrite image of man and surreal cutout



Apply for EAP Sophomore programs in your Freshmen year. For questions or to get an application contact the Center for International Education, 1100 Student Services II.


North American Freshmen Scholarship – Summer University at Freie Universitaet Berlin-FUBiS 2005

The Freie Universitaet Berlin offers 25 North American Freshman Scholarships, applicable to the second Summer Session of the 7th International Summer University at Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUBiS 2005), which will take place from July 17 through August 12, 2005. These scholarships are sponsored to 100 percent by funds of the European Recovery Program.

The scholarship encompasses:
• 100 percent tuition waiver for two FUBiS courses, one from each category A and B;
• 100 percent waiver on the registration fee;
• €1000 (one time payment distributed in two instalments of €500 each)

Only students who are currently in their freshman year at an American or a Canadian college or university are eligible to apply. Applicants must hold either U.S. American or Canadian citizenship at the time of their application. Students must be 18 years of age at the beginning of the FUBiS program (July 17, 2005.) Knowledge of German is not a pre-requisite.

Please note that the application accompanied by all required documents must be received free-of-charge by the FUBiS Office at latest by March 18, 2005 (not postmarked.). Applications should be sent in one package.

For the downloadable application form and detailed information about the scholarship please visit:

For more information about the summer university program of FUBiS which is open for all students in two different summer sessions please visit:


Best wishes from Berlin,

Nina Reinecke
FUBiS Student Advisor

Freie Universitaet Berlin - International Summer University FUBiS
ERG Universitätsservice GmbH
Habelschwerdter Allee 34a
14195 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 838 73 309
Fax: +49 30 838 73 442