Selvon, Samuel, Lonely Londoners, (Longman
Caribbean Writers Series) ISBN: 0582642647
Humanities Core Course Reader, Third Edition (Pearson,
ISBN: 0-536-30124-7)
Thomas, Brook. Introduction to Lincoln Speeches
Lincoln, Abraham. First Inaugural Address. 4 Mar. 1861.
Lincoln, Abraham. Second Inaugural Address. 4 Mar. 1865.
Lincoln, Abraham. The Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg. 19 Nov. 1863.
Hale, Edward Everett. “The Man Without
a Country”
Thomas, Brook. The Case of Clement L. Vallendigham: National Security v. Civil Liberties
Letter of the Committee. Albany. May 19, 1863.
Lincoln, Abraham. Mr. Lincoln’s Reply.
Executive Mansion, Washington. 12 Jun. 1863.
Pruyn, John V.L., et al. Pamphlet 32:
Reply to President Lincoln’s Letter of 12th June, 1863
Thomas, Brook. The United States and the Spanish-American War
Norton, Charles Eliot. “True Patriotism.” Massachusetts.
7 Jun. 1898.
Beveridge, Albert J. “The March of the Flag.” Indiana
Republican Campaign, Tomlinson Hall, Indianapolis. 16 Sep.
Lowell, Abbot Lawrence. “The Colonial
Expansion of the United States.”
Kipling, Rudyard, "The White Man's Burden," 1899.
Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist League, October 18, 1899.
Lodge, Henry Cabot. “The Phillipine Islands.” 7
Mar. 1900. (Speech before the United States Senate)
Twain, Mark, "To the Person Sitting in Darkness," 1901.
Hobbes, Thomas. “Chap. XIII. Of the Naturall Condition of Mankind, as concerning their Felicity, and Misery” and “Chap. XIV. Of the first and second Natural Lawes, and of Contracts” in
Leviathan, Cambridge University Press. (Edited by Richard
Mill, John Stuart. “A Few Words on Non-Intervention,” in
Essays on Equality, Law, and Education (Edited by John
M. Robson) University of Toronto Press. Collected Works
of John Stuart Mill, Volume XXI.
Rawls, John. Chapter 7: “Distributive Justice” in
Collected Papers (Edited by Samuel Freeman). Harvard University
Rawls. “The Justification of Conscientious Refusal” in
A Theory of Justice. Revised Edition. The Belknap Press
of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Beitz, Charles. “Social Cooperation, Boundaries, and the Basis of Justice” and “Interdependence and Global Distributive Justice” in
Political Theory and International Relations.
Humanities Core Course Guide and Writer's
Handbook, Third Edition (Pearson) ISBN: 0-536-30267-3