Humanities Core is a year-long, integrated freshman program of lectures and discussions that develop critical reading and writing skills in relation to exciting texts and issues in the humanities. The course fulfills lower-division writing and general education requirements in Arts and Humanities, Multicultural Studies, and International/Global Issues. You will read works of literature, examine major documents of world civilization, listen to music, study historical processes, and view works of art and architecture.
The course theme, WAR, looks at ways in which people have represented, rationalized, propagandized, memorialized, evaluated, or understood, for themselves or others, the human activity of war that this generation, or indeed humanity, has experienced and must consider. Texts include classic and contemporary works by Homer, Sun Tzu, Machiavelli, Brecht, Whitman, Dickinson, J.M. Coetzee, Benjamin Britten, Maya Lin, Stanley Kubrick, and Ruth Kluger.
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