FALL 2012


Anthropomorphic vs. Non-anthropomorphic Conceptions



Miles, Jack. God: A Biography. Vintage Books, Random House. New York, 1996. Chapters 1-4.


Epictetus. The Handbook (The Encheiridion). Trans. N.P. White (Hackett, 1983). ISBN 978-0915145690.

HCC Guide and Reader Revised for 2012-13 (A custom published volume listed in student portals as Pkg Human and Its Others...) ISBN 978-1-256-86096-9

The Core Guide.

Epictetus. The Discourses. Trans. Robin Hard. Ed. Christopher Gill. (Everyman, 1995). Book 1, Ch. 6, 14; Book II, Ch 8.

Epicurus. The Epicurus Reader. Trans. B. Inwood and L. Gerson (Hackett, 1994): Letter to Herodotus, Letter to Menoeceus, Prinicpal Doctrines.

Tanakh (Genesis) Excerpts. The Complete Tanach with Rashi. Chabad.org Library < http://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/8165> {Genesis 1:1-4:16; 6:5-11, 17-22; 8:15-22; 9:1-7; 12:1-20; 15-17 (entire three chapters); 21:1-21; 22:1-19; 25:1-18}

Tanakh (Exodus) Excerpts. The Complete Tanach with Rashi.  Chabad.org Library <http://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/9862> {Exodus 1 (entire chapter); 3:1-22; 11:1-10; 12:1-14, 29-42; 14 (entire chapter); 15:1-20; 17:1-16; 19-20 (entire chapters); 24:1-18; 31 (entire chapter)}

(For comparison: Tagged Tanakh: http://taggedtanakh.org/Chapter/Index/english-Gen-1)

Supplemental Text: Firestone, Reuven. Who Are the Real Chosen People?: The Meaning of Chosenness in Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Woodstock:  Skylight Paths Publishing. 2008. Print.

New Jerusalem Bible. Standard Edition. Excerpts. Veritas Bible. <http://www.veritasbible.com/newjerusalem1989> (2 Samuel 7:1-24; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Isaiah 49:1-6; Matthew 1-2 (entire chapters); Luke 6:27-38; John 8 (entire chapter); John 19:1-30; Acts 3 (entire chapter); Romans 4 (entire chapter); Philippians 3:4-14; Hebrews 8-9 (entire chapters); Revelations 21:1-6)

The Qur’an. Transl., M.A.S. Abdel Haleem. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2004.  v-viii, 14-17, 38-43, 56-57, 60-63, 67-74, 84-88, 118-119, 191-194, 210-212, 285-288, 290-294 {Suras 2. The Cow: 114-132, 142-152; 3. The Family of ‘Imran: 58-67, 81-110; 4. Women: 54-57, 101-12, 116-126; 5. The Feast: 1-69; 6. Livestock: 74-103; 9. Repentance: 28-35; 19. Mary: 1-63; 22. The Pilgrimage: 17-37; 37. Ranged in Rows: 1-49, 75-122; 38. Sad: 17-88 (entire Sura)}

(For comparison: The Qur’an from University of Southern California Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement <http://www.usc.edu/schools/college/crcc/private/cmje/religious_text/The_Message_of_The_Quran__by_Muhammad_Asad.pdf>)

Rabbinical literature:

From the Mishnah:

Aboth (“The Fathers”). Excerpt. The Mishnah. Trans., Herbert Danby. Oxford and London: Oxford University Press, 1933. 446-447. Print.

From The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan:

The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan. Trans., Judah Goldin. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1955, copyright renewed 1983. 34-37. Print.

Abot of R. Nathan.  The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan (Abot de Rabbi Nathan) Version B.  Trans., Anthony J. Saldarini, S.J. Leiden:  E. J. Brill, 1975. 277-78. Print.

From the Talmud:

“The Contents of the Soncino Babylonian Talmud.” Soncino Babylonian Talmud.  Ed., Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein.  London: Soncino Press, 1938-1961. Halakhah.com: The online Soncino Bablyonian Talmud.  Web. 30 April, 2010. <http://www.halakhah.com/>

'Abodah Zarah, Folio 2ab. Excerpt. Trans., A. Mishcon. Seder Nezikin.  London: Soncino Press, 1935.  Reprinted 1956. 1961.  Soncino Babylonian Talmud.  Ed., Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein. Halakhah.com: The online Soncino Bablyonian Talmud.  Web. 30 April, 2010. <http://www.halakhah.com/>

Shabbath, Folio 88ab.  Excerpt. Seder Mo’ed.  London: Soncino Press, 1938.  Reprinted 1956. 1961. Soncino Babylonian Talmud.  Ed., Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein. Halakhah.com: The online Soncino Bablyonian Talmud.  Web. 30 April, 2010. <http://www.halakhah.com/>

Chagigah, 3ab.  Excerpt.  Seder Mo’ed.  London: Soncino Press, 1938.  Reprinted 1956. 1961.  Soncino Babylonian Talmud.  Ed., Rabbi Dr. Isidore Epstein. Halakhah.com: The online Soncino Bablyonian Talmud.  Web. 30 April, 2010. <http://www.halakhah.com/>

From the Midrash Rabbah:

Genesis Rabbah: 55:2; 55:7; 56:4; 56:8;56:9. Excerpt. Trans., Rabbi. Dr. H. Freedman. Midrash Rabbah. Eds., Rabbi Dr. H. Freedman and Rabbi Dr. I. Epstein. London: Soncino Press, 1939-1961. 482-499. Print.

Maimonides, Moses.  The Guide of the Perplexed. Trans. Shlomo Pines. University of Chicago Press, 1963. Introduction (selection); Part I, Ch. 51-60; Part III, Ch. 54.

Panofsky, Erwin. Perspective as Symbolic Form. New York: Zone Books, 1997. Pp. 56-72.

Britten, Benjamin. War Requiem (remastered). Decca 475 7511. 1963 (remastered in 2006).

Coventry Cathedral Virtual Tour. <http://coventrycathedraltour.org.uk/>

Lunsford, Andrea A. Easy Writer. Fourth Edition.  Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010.  ISBN 978-0-312-65031-5

Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. The Craft of Research, Third Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing. (Paperback) ISBN-13: 978-0226065663




Lecture Times

All lectures are in Humanities Instructional Building (HIB) 100:

M W 9:00-9:50am

M W 11:00-11:50am

Tu Th 9:30-10:20am


Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Center at (949) 824-7494 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. All exams are administered in discussion sections in Humanities Core; therefore, students should specify their discussion section instructors when requesting exam accommodations.


The Humanities Core Guide, pp. 1-20, explains grading components. Please note that these are guidelines intended to help students plan their work in this course. The Core Course Director reserves the right to make changes in these evaluation criteria during the course of the quarter. Essay Grading Rubric, (PDF Version), Oral Exam Rubric


Add/Drops and grade option changes for Humanities Core Course must be effected by the end of the second week of classes regardless of what the general campus deadlines for add/drops and grade option changes are. Requests to add or drop or grade option changes after the second week will be granted only for exceptional circumstances. All add/drops beginning the first day of instruction are processed, coordinated, and authorized by Enrollment Specialist Janice Gregory in the Humanities Core Course Program Office (HIB 185). Students should not ask Humanities Core Course instructors for enrollment authorization codes. All school and major requirements must be taken for letter grades.


Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the Turnitin.com service is subject to the Usage Policy agreement posted on the Turnitin.com site. Students should familiarize themselves with the UCI Policy on Academic Honesty, cited in the UCI General Catalogue.


Prof. Bonnie Kent: eff. 11/26/12: Fridays, 8:30-noon and by appt., bkent@uci.edu

Prof. Jack Miles: TBA, 472 Krieger Hall (through the far doors and out onto the landing), milesj@uci.edu

Prof. James D. Herbert: TBA, 2212 Humanities Gateway, jdherb@uci.edu




This is a hypertext syllabus. Links to lecture notes (LN), reading and study questions (SQ), and other materials are in the right hand column.

Discussion sections begin Thursday, September 27, 2012. Discussion Sections will be held and failure to attend will count as an unexcused absence. Lectures begin Monday, October 1, 2012.

Reading assignments below should be completed prior to attending the lectures.

Week 1

Oct 1-2

Prof. Bonnie Kent

Epictetus' Handbook ( Encheiridion)
Epictetus’s Discourses Book I, ch. 6, 14; Book II, ch. 8 (in HCC Reader, pp. 2-7)
The Core Guide (in HCC Guide and Reader, pp. 1-20)

HCC MessageBoard: Introductions and items of related interest to HCC

LN Wk 1-1: Epictetus Lec 1 (PDF)

SQ Wk 1 Epictetus


Coursecast of Epictetus Lec 1:
UCI Replay

Oct 3-4

Prof. Bonnie Kent



Epictetus’ Handbook (Encheiridion)
Epictetus' Discourses: Book 1, Ch. 6, 14; Book II, Ch 8 (in HCC Reader, pp. 2-7)

Friday, Oct 5: Forum: Tutoring Opportunities on Campus, 11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wk 1-2: Epictetus Lec 2 (PDF)

WH Ch 1

Coursecast of Epictetus Lec 2:
UCI Replay

Coursecast of Forum 10-5-12:
video (.mp4) Part 1
video (.mp4) Part 2

Week 2
Oct 8-9

Prof. Bonnie Kent



Epicurus' Letter to Herodotus, Letter to Menoeceus (in HCC Reader, pp. 8-21)

LN Wk 2-1: Epicurus Lec 1 (PDF)

SQ Wk 2 Epicurus

Coursecast of Epicurus Lec 1:
UCI Replay


Oct 10-11

Prof. Bonnie Kent

Epicurus' Letter to Menoeceus, Principal Doctrines (in HCC Reader, pp. 21-25)


Writing Assignment #1 Due

Friday, Oct 2: Q&A Forum with Prof. Bonnie Kent and instructor panelists, 11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wk 2-2: Epicurus Lec 2

WH Ch 2

Coursecast of Epicurus Lec 2:
UCI Replay

Coursecst of Forum with Prof. Kent and Panelists:
UCI Replay

Week 3
Oct 15-16

Prof. Jack Miles: The Abrahamic Covenant (Tanakh)



Excerpts from Tanakh: Genesis 1:1-4:16; 6:5-11, 17-22; 8:15-22; 9:1-7; 12:1-20; 15-17 (three entire chapters); 21:1-21; 22:1-19; 25:1-18 (in HCC Reader, pp. 27-42)


LN Wk 3-1: The Abrahamic Covenant

Image slides for Miles Lec 1: The Abrahamic Covenant

SQ Wk 3-1: Genesis

Coursecast of Miles Lec 1:
UCI Replay



Oct 17-18

Prof. Jack Miles: The Mosaic Covenant (Tanakh)




Excerpts from Tanakh: Exodus 1 (entire chapter); 3:1-22; 11:1-10; 12:1-14, 29-42; 14 (entire chapter); 15:1-20; 17:1-16; 19-20 (entire chapters); 24:1-18; 31 (entire chapter) (in HCC Reader, pp. 43-56)



Friday, Oct 19: Forum with Prof.Jack Miles: How to Analyze Religious Texts, 11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wk 3-2: The Mosaic Covenant

Image slides for Miles Lec 2: The Mosaic Covenant

SQ WK 3-2: Exodus

The Brick Testament Slides

Coursecast of Miles Lec 2:
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Forum with Prof. Miles:
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Week 4

Oct 22-23

Prof. Jack Miles: The Covenant Fulfilled and Extended (Old Testament and New Testament)


Excerpts from New Jerusalem Bible (2 Samuel 7:1-24; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Isaiah 49:1-6; Matthew 1-2 (entire chapters); Luke 6:27-38; John 8 (entire chapter); John 19:1-30; Acts 3 (entire chapter); Romans 4 (entire chapter); Philippians 3:4-14; Hebrews 8-9 (entire chapters); Revelations 21:1-6) (in HCC Reader, pp. 90-105)



LN Wk 4-1: The Covenant Fulfilled and Extended

Image slides for Miles Lec 3: The Covenant Fulfilled and Extended

SQ Wk 4-1: Old and New Testaments

WH Ch 3
WH Ch 4

Coursecast of Miles Lec 3
UCI Replay



Oct 24-25

Prof. Jack Miles: The Covenant Corrected and Restored (Qur'an)



Excerpts from the Qur'an: Suras 2. The Cow: 114-132, 142-152; 3. The Family of ‘Imran: 58-67, 81-110; 4. Women: 54-57, 101-12, 116-126; 5. The Feast: 1-69; 6. Livestock: 74-103; 9. Repentance: 28-35; 19. Mary: 1-63; 22. The Pilgrimage: 17-37; 37. Ranged in Rows: 1-49, 75-122; 38. Sad: 17-88 (entire Sura) (in HCC Reader, pp. 106-125).


Friday, Oct 26: Midterm Preparation Forum with Writing Director Larisa Castillo, 11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wk 4-2: The Covenant Corrected and Restored (Qur'an)

Image slides for Miles Lec 4: The Covenant Corrected and Restored (Qur'an)

SQ Wk 4-2: Qur'an

Coursecast of Miles Lec 4
UCI Replay

Forum on Midterm Review:
UCI Replay


Week 5

Oct 29-30

Prof. Jack Miles: The Covenant Complemented and Continued (Talmud)



Selections from rabbinical literature (in HCC Reader, pp. 126-143):

from the Mishnah: Excerpts from Aboth, The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan, The Fathers According to Rabbi Nathan Version B;

from the Talmud: The Contents; Abodah Zarah, Folio 2ab (excerpt); Shabbath, Folio 88ab (excerpt); Chagigah, 3ab (excerpt);

from the Midrash Rabbah: Genesis Rabbah: 55:2; 55:7; 56:4; 56:8;56:9. (excerpt).

LN Wk 5-1: The Covenant Complemented and Continued (Talmud)

Image slides for Miles Lec 5: The Covenant Complemented and COntinued (Talmud)

SQ Wk 5: Talmud

WH Ch 5
WH Ch 6

Coursecast of Miles Lec 5:
UCI Replay
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Oct 31-Nov 1

Prof. Jack Miles: The Covenants Compatible? The Legend of the Ring of Virtue



No new readings.



Midterm in last discussion section meeting of Week 5

Friday, Nov 2: Forum with Prof. Jack Miles on God: A Biography and Q&A on Genesis 22 and Writing Assignment #2, 11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wk 5-2: Covenants Compatible?

Image slides for Miles Lec 6: Covenants Compatible?


Coursecast of Miles Lec 6:
UCI Replay
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Week 6

Nov 5-6

Prof. Bonnie Kent



Moses Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed: Introduction (selection); Part I, Ch. 51-55 (in HCC Reader, pp. 144-181).

LN Wk 6-1: Maimonides Lec 1

SQ Wk 6: Maimonides

Coursecast of Maimonides Lec 1:
UCI Replay
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Nov 7-8

Prof. Bonnie Kent



Moses Maimonides, The Guide of the Perplexed: Part I, Ch. 56-60; Part III, Ch. 54 (in HCC Reader, pp. 144-181).


Final Draft of Writing Assignment #2 Due

Friday, Nov 9: Q&A Forum with Prof. Bonnie Kent,11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wk 6-2: Maimonides Lec 2

Coursecast of Maimonides Lec 2:
UCI Replay
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Coursecast of Kent Q&A Forum:
UCI Replay


Week 7
Nov 12-13  



Tu Th Discussion sections will meet Tuesday, Nov 13


Nov 14-15 Prof. James D.Herbert, "The View of God: Perspective in Renaissance Italy"

Erwin Panofsky's Perspective as Symbolic Form (selection) (in HCC Reader, pp. 182-201).





Friday, Nov 16: Q&A Forum with Prof. James D. Herbert, 11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100


LN Wks 7 - 9: Perspective (lecture slides) (Best not viewed with Internet Explorer)

LN Wks 7 - 9: Perspective (notetaking outline

SQ Wk 7 - 9: Panofsky

WH Ch 7

Coursecast of Perspective Lec 1:
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Coursecast of Forum with Prof. Herbert
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Week 8
Nov 19-20

Prof. James D.Herbert, "The View of God: Perspective in Renaissance Italy"


Erwin Panofsky's Perspective as Symbolic Form (selection) (in HCC Reader, pp. 182-201).


LN Wks 7 - 9: Perspective (lecture slides) (Best not viewed with Internet Explorer)

LN Wks 7 - 9: Perspective (notetaking outline

Coursecast of Perspective Lec 2:
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Nov 21-22




MW and MWF Discussion section will meet Wednesday, November 21




Week 9
Nov 26-27

Prof. James D.Herbert, "The View of God: Perspective in Renaissance Italy"


Erwin Panofsky's Perspective as Symbolic Form (selection) (in HCC Reader, pp. 182-201).

LN Wks 7 - 9: Perspective (lecture slides) (Best not viewed with Internet Explorer)

LN Wks 7 - 9: Perspective (notetaking outline

Coursecast of Perspective Lec 3:
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Nov 28-29 Prof. James D.Herbert, "Father Forgive: Coventry and the War Requiem "

Coventry Cathedral Virtual Tour <http://coventrycathedraltour.org.uk/>
Benjamin Britten, War Requiem [CD]


Friday, Nov 30: Q&A Forum with Prof. James D. Herbert,11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wks 9 - 10 : Coventry (lecture slides)
(Best not viewed with Internet Explorer)

LN Wks 9 - 10: Coventry (notetaking outline)

SQ Wks 9 - 10: Coventry

WH Ch 8
WH Ch 9

Coursecast of Coventry Lec 1
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Coursecast of Q&A Forum with Prof. Herbert
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Week 10
Dec 3-4

Prof. James D.Herbert, "Father Forgive: Coventry and the War Requiem "



Coventry Cathedral Virtual Tour <http://coventrycathedraltour.org.uk/>
Benjamin Britten, War Requiem [CD]

LN Wks 9 - 10: Coventry (lecture slides)
(Best not viewed with Internet Explorer)

LN Wks 9 - 10: Coventry (notetaking outline)

Coursecast of Coventry Lec 2
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Dec 5-6

Prof. James D.Herbert, "Father Forgive: Coventry and the War Requiem "



Coventry Cathedral Virtual Tour <http://coventrycathedraltour.org.uk/>
Benjamin Britten, War Requiem [CD]



Final Draft of Writing Assignment #2 Due


Friday, Dec 7: Forum: Summary Lecture with Profs Bonnie Kent, Jack Miles, and James D. Herbert, 11:00-11:50 a.m., HIB 100

LN Wks 9 - 10: Coventry (lecture slides)
(Best not viewed with Internet Explorer)

LN Wks 9 - 10: Coventry (notetaking outline)

Coursecast of Coventry Lec 3
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)

Coursecast of Forum with Profs. Kent, Miles, Herbert, and Pan:
Part 1 (.mp4)
Part 2 (.mp4)