Homer, The Iliad. Trans. Robert Fagles. Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition. New York: Penguin Classics, 1998. (Bundled, with a book required for Winter quarter and a CD required for Spring quarter, in the package available at the bookstore)


Oswald, Alice. Memorial: A Version of Homer's Iliad. New York/London: W. W. Norton, 2012. ISBN 978-0-393-08867-0


Grimmelshausen, Hans Jacob Christoffel von. The Adventures of Simplicius Simplicissimus. Trans. George Schulz-Behrend. 2nd Revised Edition. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 1993. ISBN 1-879751-38-0


Brecht, Bertolt. Mother Courage and Her Children. Trans. Tony Kushner. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2009. ISBN: 978 1 408 12575 5


Theater of War. Dir. John Walter. Perf. Meryl Streep, Kevin Kline, Tony Kushner. 2008. Film. ASIN: B003VZNAU8 (Purchase of the DVD is not required: The film will be screened for students, and it is also available on Netflix streaming.)


Machiavelli, Niccolò. The Prince. Trans. William J. Connell. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0312149789


Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Trans Ralph Sawyer. New York: Basic Books, 1994. ISBN-13: 978-0813319513


Walzer, Michael. Just and Unjust Wars. 4th Edition. New York: Basic Books, 2006. ISBN-13:  978-0465037070


The 2013-14 Humanities Core Course Guide and Reader, ISBN 9781269568944 (available at the bookstore):

The Core Guide

Weil, Simone. "The Iliad, or A Poem of Force"

Gryphius, Andreas. "Tears of the Fatherland" ("Tränen des Vaterlandes") and other selected poems

Lunsford, Andrea A. Easy Writer. 4th Edition. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010.  ISBN 978-0-312-65031-5


All lectures are in Humanities Instructional Building (HIB) 100:


M W 9:00-9:50am

M W 11:00-11:50am

Tu Th 9:30-10:20am


Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this course are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Center at (949) 824-7494 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. All exams are administered in discussion sections in Humanities Core; therefore, students should specify their discussion section instructors when requesting exam accommodations.


The Core Guide, pp. 1-23, explains grading components. Please note that these are guidelines intended to help students plan their work in this course. The Core Course Director reserves the right to make changes in these evaluation criteria during the course of the quarter. Essay Grading Rubric (PDF version)


Add/Drops and grade option changes for Humanities Core Course must be effected by the end of the second week of classes regardless of what the general campus deadlines for add/drops and grade option changes are. Requests to add or drop or grade option changes after the second week will be granted only for exceptional circumstances. All add/drops beginning the first day of instruction are processed, coordinated, and authorized by Enrollment Specialist Janice Gregory in the Humanities Core Course Program Office (HIB 185). Students should not ask Humanities Core Course instructors for enrollment authorization codes. All school and major requirements must be taken for letter grades.


Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the Turnitin.com service is subject to the Usage Policy agreement posted on the Turnitin.com site. Students should familiarize themselves with the UCI Policy on Academic Honesty, cited in the UCI General Catalogue.


Prof. Oren Izenberg

Prof. Jane Newman

Prof. Georges Van Den Abbeele



This syllabus provides links to lecture notes (LN), reading and study questions (SQ), and other materials in the right hand column. The reading assignments should be completed prior to attending the lectures.

Discussion sections begin Thursday, September 26, 2013. Discussion sections will be held and failure to attend will count as an unexcused absence. There will be no forum on Friday, Sept. 27. Lectures begin Monday, September 30, 2013.






Week 1

Sep 30-Oct 1


Prof. Oren Izenberg:

The Iliad and the Meaning of the Humanities

The Iliad, Books 1-2 (p. 77-115 line 583)

LN for Iliad (I)


SQ for Iliad (I)

Oct 2-3

Prof. Oren Izenberg:

Deliberation, Action, and Authority in the Iliad

The Iliad, Books 3-6 (p. 128-213)

LN for Iliad (II)



Friday Forum: Peer Mentoring Services
(11-11:50am, Oct. 4, in HG 1030)

Week 2

Oct 7-8

Prof. Oren Izenberg:

Aristos Akhaiōn (Best of the Achaeans): Value and Cultural Contradiction in the Iliad


The Iliad, Books 7, 9, 11 (p. 296-299 [through line 96], p. 316 [line 704]-324), 12 (p. 325-328 through line 105)

LN for Iliad (III)


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments

Oct 9-10


Prof. Oren Izenberg:

The Iliad and Artistry

The Iliad, Books 14, 15 (387-396 though line 311), 16, 18, 19


LN for Iliad (IV)

Week 3

Oct 14-15


Prof. Oren Izenberg:

The Ends of the Iliad



The Iliad, Books 20 (503-508 through line 190), 21, 22, 23 (559-567 through line 285), 24


Simone Weil, “The Iliad, or A Poem of Force” (Reader 27-46)



LN for Iliad (V)


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments

Oct 16-17


Prof. Oren Izenberg:

Epic vs. Elegy; the English elegaic tradition

Alice Oswald, Memorial


LN for Iliad (VI)



Friday Forum: Introduction to the Libraries (11-11:50am, Oct. 18, in HIB 135)

Week 4

Oct 21-22


Prof. Jane Newman:

War Stories I: The Thirty Years’ War (1618-48) in Grimmelshausen, Simplicissimus (1668/9)


Gryphius, “Tears of the Fatherland” and other poems (Reader 47-49)


Grimmelshausen, Simplicissimus, Book 1 (pp. 1-52)

LN for Grimmelshausen (I)

Thirty Years' War cheat sheet

SQ for Thirty Years' War (I)


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments


Oct 23-24


Prof. Jane Newman:

War Stories I: The Thirty Years’ War (1618-48) in Grimmelshausen, Simplicissimus (1668/9)


Grimmelshausen, Simplicissimus, Book 2 (pp. 53-105)


LN for Grimmelshausen (II)

Week 5

Oct 28-29


Prof. Jane Newman:

War Stories II: Brecht’s Thirty Years War: Mother Courage and her Children (1939/1949)




Otto von Guericke, “The Siege of Magdeburg” (1631), excerpt at: http://germanhistorydocs.ghi-dc.org/sub_document.cfm?document_id=4396 (pdf, cached)


Brecht, Mother Courage and her Children, Scenes 1-5 (pp. 7-60)

LN for Brecht (I)


SQ for Brecht


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments


Screening of Theater of War on Tues., 10/29, in HIB 135, 5pm-7pm


Oct 30-31


Prof. Jane Newman:

War Stories II: Brecht’s Thirty Years War: Mother Courage and her Children (1939/1949)


Brecht, Mother Courage and her Children, Scenes 6-12  (pp. 61-104)




LN for Brecht (II)

Week 6

Nov 4-5


Prof. Jane Newman:

The Thirty Years War: The Movie (Theater of War, dir. Walter, 2008)


Viewing Assignment: Theater of War, through the end of “Act I” (about 22 minutes)


LN for Theater of War (I)


SQ for Theater of War


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments


Screening of Theater of War on Mon., 11/4, in HIB 135, 5pm-7pm


Nov 6-7


Prof. Jane Newman:

The Thirty Years War: The Movie (Theater of War, dir. Walter, 2008)




Viewing Assignment: Theater of War – finish viewing movie (the remaining 1 hour, 10 minutes)



Midterm in last discussion section meeting of
Week 6

LN for Theater of War (II)

Week 7

Nov 11-12





Tu/Th discussion sections will meet Tuesday, Nov 12


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments

Nov 13-14


Prof. Georges Van Den Abbeele:

The "Art" of War


Sun Tzu, The Art of War, chapters 1-13 (pp. 163-233)


LN for The Art of War


SQ for The Art of War

Week 8

Nov 18-19


Prof. Georges Van Den Abbeele:

The Practice of Power (leadership and realpolitik)

Machiavelli, The Prince, chapters 1-14 (pp. 39-86)

LN for The Prince (I)


SQ for The Prince


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments


Nov 20-21


Prof. Georges Van Den Abbeele



Machiavelli, The Prince, chapters 15-26 (pp. 87-123)


LN for The Prince (II)

Special Friday Forum on Britten's War Requiem, 11am at Newkirk Alumni Center

Sunday performance at Segerstrom Center

Week 9

Nov 25-26


Prof. Georges Van Den Abbeele:

"Ethics" of War (jus ad bellum/jus in bello)

Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars (pp. 51-124, 251-268)

LN for Just and Unjust Wars (I)


SQ for Just and Unjust Wars (I)


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments

Nov 27-28



NO LECTURE Nov 27-28

MW and MWF Discussion section will meet Wednesday, November 27




Week 10

Dec 2-3



Prof. Georges Van Den Abbeele

Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars (pp. 127-196, 304-327)

LN for Just and Unjust Wars (II)


SQ for Just and Unjust Wars (II) and Paths of Glory


Peer tutoring schedule and appointments


Screening of Paths of Glory, Monday, 5-6:30pm, in McCormick Screening Room (HG 1070)


Dec 4-5



Prof. Georges Van Den Abbeele




Viewing Assignment: Stanley Kubrick, Paths of Glory (1957)


LN for Paths of Glory


Screening of Paths of Glory, Wed., 5-6:30pm, in McCormick Screening Room (HG 1070)


Video lectures for review