Heisenberg, Werner. Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science. Harper Collins, 2007. ISBN: 9780061209192
Galilei, Galileo. Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems. Drake Stillman, Translator. (Modern Library, 2001), ISBN 978-0375757662. Days One and Two.
Euripides, Bacchae. In Greek Tragedies, vol. 3, 2nd Edition. Greene and Lattimore (eds.). U of Chicago Press, 1959. (ISBN: 0-226-30791-3).
Humanities Core Course Reader:
Mitchell, Laura. Selected Chronology of Southern Africa.
Berger, Iris. South Africa in World History. Oxford University Press, 2009.
“The Great Thirst.” Mandela, Nelson, ed. Madiba Magic: Nelson Mandela's Favorite African folktales. Cape Town: Tafelberg, 2002.
“The Lion and the Jackals.” Lewis-Williams, J. D., ed. Stories that Float from Afar: Ancestral Folklore of the San of South Africa. David Phillip, 2000.
Psalm 8, The Bible, New International Version. Available at
Accessed 4/24/10.
Kolb, Peter. The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope. New York: Johnson Reprint Corp, 1968. [reprint, orig. in English1731; German 1719].
South African National Archives, Western Cape Depot. Loan farm permit for Jan Georg Lochner on Brakfontein. Receiver of Land Revenue 37/2:157, 11 October 1792.
Sparrman, Anders. A Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, Towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, Round the World and to the Country of the Hottentots and the Caffres, From the Year 1772-1776, ed. V.S. Forbes. Cape Town: Van Riebeeck Society, 1975. [reprint. Orig. 1785-86], Vol. 2, pp 39-62.
Bleek, W.H.I. “Scientific Reasons for the Study of the Bushman Language.” In Voices From the Past: /Xam Bushmen and the Bleek and Lloyd Collection, edited by Janette Deacon and Thomas A. Dowson, 44-48. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1996. [reprint from Cape Monthly Magazine VII (September 1873), pp 149-53.]
Parkington, John, Tony Manhire, and Yates. “Reading San Images.” In Voices From the Past: /Xam Bushmen and the Bleek and Lloyd Collection, edited by Janette Deacon and Thomas A. Dowson, 212-233. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press, 1996.
“The Broken String” in Bleek, W.H.I and Lucy Lloyd. Specimens of Bushman Folklore. Einsiedeln [Switzerland]: Daimon, 2001 [reprint, orig 1911].
Homer, Iliad 19.462-503. Trans. Robert Fagles, pages 501-2. Penguin, 1990. (ISBN: 0-14-044592-7).
Homer, Odyssey 12. 218-280. Trans. Robert Fagles, pages 277-9. Penguin, 1996. (ISBN: 0-14-026886-3).
Sophocles, Antigone 368-411. In Greek Tragedies, vol. 1, Greene and Lattimore (eds.), pages 194-5. U of Chicago Press, 1991. (ISBN: 0-226-30790-5).
Plato, "Protagoras 320c-322d." In Plato: Complete Works, ed. J.M. Cooper, pages 756-8. Hackett, 1997. (ISBN: 0-87220-349-2).
Lunsford, Andrea A. Easy Writer. Third Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006. ISBN 978-0-312-43309-3
Booth, Wayne C., Gregory G. Colomb, and Joseph M. Williams. The Craft of Research, Third Edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2008. Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing. (Paperback) ISBN-13: 978-0226065663
Lecture Times
All lectures are in Biological Sciences III Lecture Hall, Room 1200:
MW 9:00-9:50am
MW 11:00-11:50am
T Th 9:30-10:20am
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact the Disability Services Center at (949) 824-7494 as soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are implemented in a timely fashion. All exams are administered in discussion sections in Humanities Core; therefore, students should specify their discussion section instructors when requesting exam accommodations.
The Humanities Core Course Guide pp. 15-21 explains grading components. Please note that these are guidelines intended to help students plan their work in this course. The Core Course Director reserves the right to make changes in these evaluation criteria during the course of the quarter. Essay Grading Rubric. (PDF version)
Add/Drops and grade option changes for Humanities Core Course must be effected by the end of the second week of classes regardless of what other schools' deadlines for add/drops and grade option changes are. Requests to add or drop after the second week will be granted only for exceptional circumstances. All add/drops beginning the first day of instruction are processed via add/drop cards and are coordinated and authorized by Enrollment Specialist Janice Gregory in the Humanities Core Course Program Office (HIB 185). Students should not ask Humanities Core Course instructors to sign add/drop cards. All All school and major requirements must be taken for letter grades.
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. Use of the service is subject to the Usage Policy agreement posted on the site. Students should familiarize themselves with the UCI Policy on Academic Honesty, cited in the UCI General Catalogue.
Prof. Ermanno Bencivenga:
Tu Th 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon, 209 HOB2,
Prof. Laura Mitchell:
Tu 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m and by appointment, 243 MKH,
Prof. Zina Giannopoulou: F 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m., 104 HOB2,
This is a hypertext syllabus. Links to lecture notes (LN), reading and study questions (SQ), and other materials are in the right hand column.
Discussion sections begin Monday, April 2, 2012. Discussion Sections will be held and failure to attend will count as an unexcused absence.
Reading assignments below should be completed prior to attending the lectures.
Apr 2-3 |
Prof. Ermanno Bencivenga |
Galileo Galilei's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, pp. 1-24 (up to and including “as short as you please”), pp. 35 (beginning with “Let us return then”)-42 (up to and including “assigned to celestial bodies”). |

SQ WKs 1-2 Galileo
LN Wk 1-1 Lec 1: Galileo
Coursecast of Lec 1: Galileo
.m4v (Itunes, Quicktime) file of Lec 1: Galileo
Apr 4-5 |
Prof. Ermanno Bencivenga
Galileo Galilei's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, pp. 57-91 (up to and including “the light falls equally”), pp. 114 (beginning with “Quite apart from this”)-121.
Thur, Apr 5, 10:20-10:50 a.m., BS3 Lecture Hall: Mini Q&A forum with Prof. Bencivenga on lecture materials. All students welcome to attend. |
LN Wk 1-2 Lec 2: Galileo
Coursecast of Lec 2: Galileo: UCI Replay (audio only); .m4v (Itunes, Quicktime files with audio and video)
Coursecast of Q&A forum with Prof. Bencivenga |
Apr 9-10 |
Prof. Ermanno Bencivenga
Galileo Galilei's Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, pp. 123-140 (up to and including “unable to do it any violence”), pp. 146 (beginning with “As the strongest reason”)-154 (up to and including “those already propounded”), pp. 194 (beginning with “Up to this point”)-218 (up to and including “the rotation of the earth”).
LN Wk 2-1 Lec 3: Galileo
Coursecast of Lec 3: Galileo:
UCI Replay (audio only);
.m4v (Itunes, Quicktime file;
.mp4 file
Apr 11-12 |
Prof. Ermanno Bencivenga |
Werner Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy, pp. 1-17.
Thur, Apr 12, 10:20-10:50 a.m., BS3 Lecture Hall: Mini Q&A forum with Prof. Bencivenga on lecture materials. All students welcome to attend. |
SQ Wks 2-3 Heisenberg
LN Wk 2-2 Lec 4: Heisenberg
Coursecast of Lec 1: Heisenberg:
UCI Replay; .mp3 (audio only);
.m4v Itunes
Coursecast of Q&A forum with Prof. Bencivenga: UCI Replay audio, .mp3 audio
Apr 16-17 |
Prof. Ermanno Bencivenga |
Werner Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy, pp. 18-49.
LN Wk 3-1 Lec 5: Heisenberg
Coursecast of Heisenberg Lec 2: UCI Replay audio, .mp3 audio, .mp4 video Part I, .mp4 video Part II
Apr 18-19 |
Prof. Ermanno Bencivenga
Werner Heisenberg's Physics and Philosophy, pp. 141-155 (up to and including “a tendency toward reality”), pp. 161-180.
Essay 7 due
Thur, Apr 19, 10:20-10:50 a.m., BS3 Lecture Hall: Mini Q&A forum with Prof. Bencivenga on lecture materials. All students welcome to attend.
Fri, Apr 20, 11:00-11:50 a.m., BSIII Lecture Hall: HCC Research Module Forum with Director David Pan and Writing Director Brian Thill |
LN Wk 3-2 Lec 6: Heisenberg
Coursecast of Heisenberg Lec 3: UCI Replay audio, .mp3 audio, .mp4 video Part I, .mp4 video Part II
Coursecast of Q&A forum with Prof. Bencivenga: UCI Replay audio, .mp3 audio
Coursecast of HCC Research Module Forum: UCI Replay, .mp4 Part I, .mp4 Part II
Apr 23-24 |
Prof. Laura Mitchell: Traces in the Landscape |
Selected Chronology of Southern Africa; Iris Berger's South Africa in World History (both in HCC Reader)
SQ Wk 4: South Africa Chronology and History
LN Wk 4-1: Traces in the Landscape (outline, Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 4-1 (UCI Replay) |
Apr 25-26 |
Prof. Laura Mitchell: Hunters, Herders, Farmers, and Nature |
"The Great Thirst"; "The Lion and the Jackals"; "Psalm 8" (all in HCC Reader)
Fri, Apr 27, 11:00-11:50 a.m., BSIII Lecture Hall: Research Paper Forum with Prof. James D. Herbert |
LN Wk 4-2: Hunters, Herders, Farmers, and Nature (outline, Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 4-2 (UCI Replay)
Research Paper Forum with Prof. James D. Herbert (Part I .mp4 file, Part II mp4 file)
Apr 30 - May 1 |
Prof. Laura Mitchell: One Biome, Two Moral Economies
Selections from Peter Kolb's The Present State of the Cape of Good Hope; VOC Loan Farm Permit (both in HCC Reader)
SQ Wk 5: Colonial Visions of Nature
LNWk 5-1: One Biome, Two Moral Economies (outline, Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 5-1 (UCI Replay)
May 2-3 |
Prof. Laura Mitchell: Colonial Contexts of Knowledge Acquisition |
Anders Sparrman's "Journey from Little Sundays River to Boshies-mans River"; W.H.I. Bleek's "Scientific Reasons for the Study of the Bushman Language" (both in HCC Reader)
Fri, May 4, 11:00-11:50 a.m., BSIII Lecture Hall: Special Forum with Prof. Francisco Ayala: "Science and Religion: Conflict or Concert" |
LN Wk 5-2: Colonial Contexts of Knowledge Acquisition (outline, Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 5-2 (UCI Relay)
Prof. Francisco Ayala's "Science and Religion: Conflict or Concert " (UCI Replay, videorecording: .mp4 Part I, .mp4 Part II) |
May 7-8 |
Prof. Laura Mitchell: Reading Colonial Landscapes
John Parkington, et al. "Reading San Images" (in HCC Reader)
SQ Wk 6: Khoisan Legacies and Colonial Appropriations of Nature
LN Wk 6-1: Reading Colonial Landscapes (outline, Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 6-1 (UCI Replay) |
May 9-10 |
Prof. Laura Mitchell: "Primitives," Progress, and the Conquest of Nature |
"Song of the Broken String" (in HCC Reader)
Annotated Bibliography Due
Fri, May 11, 11:00-11:50 a.m., BSIII Lecture Hall: Forum on Library Resources for the Research Paper with Cathy Palmer, UCI Libraries |
LN Wk 6-2: "Primitives," Progress, and the Conquest of Nature (outline, Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 6-2 (UCI Replay)
Library Research Forum .mp4 video: Part I, Part II
May 14-15 |
Prof. Zina Giannopoulou |
Excerpts from Homer's Iliad and Odyssey (in HCC Reader). |
SQ Wk 7: Homer and Nature and Euripides' Bacchae
LN Wk 7-1 Homer and Nature (Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 7-1 (UCI Replay)
May 16-17 |
Prof. Zina Giannopoulou |
Euripides' Bacchae
Prospectus Due
Wed, May 16, 2:30-5:00 p.m., McCormick Screening Room, HG 1070, Screening of film, "Of Gods and Men" with after commentary by Prof. Jack Miles |
LN Wk 7-2 Lec 2: Dionysus and the Bacchae (Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 7-2 (UCI Replay)
Preparation for Friday Forum:
Recommended film viewing: Of Gods and Men, Wed, May 16, 2:30-4:30pm, HG 1070.
Recommended Reading: Jack Miles' "Waiting for the Preacher" and "Egypt, Libya, Wisconsin". |
May 21-22 |
Prof. Zina Giannopoulou |
Euripides' Bacchae and excerpt from Sophocles' Antigone (in HCC Reader) |
SQ Wk 8: Bacchae and Antigone
LN Wk 8-1: Lec 3: Bacchae and Antigone (Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 8-1: UCI Replay |
May 23-24 |
Prof. Zina Giannopoulou
Euripides' Bacchae and excerpt from Plato's Protagoras (in HCC Reader)
Fri, May 25, 11:00-11:50 a.m., BSIII Lecture Hall: Research Paper Revision Forum with Prof. Laura Mitchell |
LN Wk 8-2: Lec 4: Bacchae and Protagoras (Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 8-2: UCI Replay
Readings for Friday, May 20th forum:
Article by Lynn Hunt, Chapter by Anne Lamott
Coursecast of Research Paper Revision Forum with Prof. Laura Mitchell: UCI Replay: UCI Replay video: Part I, Part II |
May 28-29 |
NO LECTURES Monday or Tuesday;
Tu Th Discussion sections will meet Tuesday, May 29.
May 30-31 |
Prof. Zina Giannopoulou |
Euripides' Bacchae |
SQ Wk 9-10: Bacchae
LN Wk 9: Bacchae (Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 9: Bacchae (UCI Replay) |
Jun 4-5 |
Prof. Zina Giannopoulou |
Euripides' Bacchae
LN Wk 10-1: Bacchae (Presentation)
Coursecast of Lec Wk 10-1: Bacchae (UCI Replay) |
Jun 6-7 |
Profs. Ermanno Bencivenga, Laura Mitchell, and Zina Giannopoulou
to be determined
Essay 8 - Research Paper- Due |
LN Wk 10-2: Mitchell: Some Reflections
Coursecast of Lec Wk 10-1: Last Lecture (UCI Replay) |